Melissa Sheeler

Melissa Sheeler & Family

Hello everyone!  I am so excited to be a part of the A Pair of Ears Travel team!  Since I took my first trip to Disneyworld at 5 years old I have been a fan of all things Disney.   Each time we leave, I find myself planning the next trip.  The feeling when you walk down Main Street and get your first view of the castle is something that can’t be beat!  I love keeping up with all things Disney so that I can help make every detail of your trip magical.

I am originally from a small town in southwest Louisiana but have called the Baton Rouge area my home for over 20 years now.  I live in Prairieville with my husband, Brad, and our 2 kids.  I have a child with special needs so I am a pro at using the Disability Access Service.  There is nothing better than seeing my kids faces light up when we get to Disney.

Disney is all about magic and making memories.  Let me take care of the stress of planning your vacation so all you have to do is enjoy making memories that will last a lifetime!

Book with me!